“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power…. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular….” Tony Robbins.

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Coaching with Jenesis Global Consultancy Ltd is about asking you the right questions, listening to you, showing you empathy and ultimately empowering you to become your best.

Personal Development Coaching

Our lives are complicated and nuanced.  Personal development coaching with JGC will support you to find meaning, purpose and joy in the day to day and sometimes mundane rituals that make up our lives.

JGC will support you to look at your life goals, personal challenges and long-standing aspirations.

If you want help to overcome obstacles that are preventing your personal growth, then increasing your self-awareness through coaching is for you.

JGC have diverse coaches who are honest about the services they can provide to their clients. Our coaches are authentic about the services they are qualified to offer and will also advise you if another form of personal development would be more suitable for your needs.

With Personal Development Coaching, JGC will usually start with a wheel of life.

The concept for the wheel of life originates from Tibetan Budhism to see how balanced your life is.

The wheel of life is simple to use and gives you a vivid visual representation of the way your life currently is compared with how you would like it to be by considering different areas of your life.

Each area is mapped on a circle like the spoke of a wheel and enables you to assess your strengths and identify where you need more attention.

Used regularly as a ‘check in’, the wheel of life gives you a ‘birds eye view of your life and create a self-reflection tool to allow you to get (even) more out of life.



Business Coaching

Are you working ‘on’ your business or are you spending too much time working ‘in’ your business?

JGC understands the increasingly pressurised times that business owners are operating in.

Some of the key issues for businesses are how to perform more efficiently, with fewer resources and within shorter time frames than ever before.   There is also work/life balance, motivation, and time management to deal with.  The focus for many business owners has traditionally been on profit and targets rather than purpose and meaning which is needed by many employees to achieve their full potential.
Some businesses have five generations working alongside each other and have to harness the motivation of a diverse workforce.
Coaching is not used enough in the world of business and many business owners and executives do not realise that coaching needs to be part of the strategy that a business needs to achieve long-term growth.

At its core, business coaching with JGC is fundamentally the same as personal development coaching: the key difference is that JGC will be dealing less with you as an individual and more with you as an entity of something bigger (your business) and potentially more complex.

Whilst there may be subtle overlaps between you as an individual and you as the business entity, one of the great benefits of business coaching with JGC is that it enables you to face reality head on.

Business coaching with JGC provides the opportunity to get into important conversations that we’re normally too busy to have…”

JGC will introduce a variety of business diagnostic tools to help understand the business environment in which you are working in. The business priorities wheel will quickly enable you to clearly see the areas that might be holding your business back and the ones that may need the most urgent attention.

The business priorities wheel is simple, practical and powerful. It helps you to think about your strategy and the major results to you in your business that will give you a shift or quantum change.

Are you 100% clear on what your targets are in the main areas of your business and who is responsible for the actions?

Do you trust yourself to hold yourself accountable to meet your targets?

Have you forecasted the impact on meeting those targets over the next few months or years?

JGC will explore with you whether your business vision has become lost, or in some cases is no longer appropriate.  This will help you to get clarity about where you are heading and why you are  trying to get there so that you bring your business vision back into focus where there is drift or assist you to create a new vision as appropriate.

Coaching for Managers Programme

Coaching is increasingly seen as a key management skill for improving performance.

Would you like to decrease dependency and increase empowerment?

Would you like to encourage your staff to take the initiative and put forward options when considering how to tackle issues?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, then the Coaching for Managers Programme will help you to develop your skills as a coach-manager.

What will I learn?

By the end of the course you will:

  • Know what a coaching conversation involves.
  • Understand how coaching can benefit you and your team.
  • Be able to begin implementing a coaching culture in your team
  • Be able to use coaching skills to help staff find their own solutions
  • Consider barriers to coaching and how to overcome them
  • Give feedback in a coaching manner

What will it cover?

  • When and how to empower staff through coaching
  • Coaching models, demonstrations and practice to develop your skills
  • Feedback and tips on how to improve your coaching style
“All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer; but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.” Sun Tzu (722 BC)

For more information on coaching, please ‘Get in Touch‘.