Smoking Cessation

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The smoke-free life programme helps to put down cigarettes and/or cannabis to gain back good health using hypnotherapy and coaching techniques.

The biggest factor for success is readiness, so we start the programme by gauging your readiness for a smoke-free life.

This is done by understanding more fully why you have not been able to enjoy a smoke free life before. You will gain an understanding of why you smoke and why you do not need it anymore.

The programme will also look at the stages of change that you may experience. It will address the choices you can make, how you can overcome obstacles, how you can resolve the inner conflict when different parts of you may want different things, as well as how to remain smoke-free and experience freedom from nicotine.

Hypnosis is not a new method for self-improvement. It is an amazing tool that has been around for hundreds of years, even dating as far back as ancient Egypt.

Hypnosis allows you to tap into the subtle energy field of the unconscious mind, where change is more easily made.

Hypnosis works because it helps to undo years of unhealthy programming to replace old worn out mindsets with a new healthier, more motivated mindset.

Our human body has an incredible ability to heal itself, so no matter your age, how much you smoke or how long you have been smoking for, it is never too late to enjoy a smoke free life.

When you relax and allow yourself to be hypnotised, your brain enters the state of increased and enhanced awareness (alpha state) and the subconscious mind does not differentiate between what is ‘real and what is ‘imagined’

The subconscious mind is highly suggestible and hypnotic suggestions can have an immensely powerful effect.

Hypnosis to stop smoking can be a life-changing process, especially for those who have tried everything else with little or no success.

Hypnosis is one of the most enjoyable experiences that can take you to incredible places in your imagination.  This may include a walk in your favourite garden, woodland area or along a beach.



You are always in control and you cannot be forced to do anything that goes against your will or values.

“Change can happen in an instant: it is the preparation of change that takes time.” – Tony Robbins

For more information on a smoke-free life, please ‘Get in Touch‘.